Restaurants within 3 miles of Launceston, Cornwall

Listing 12 restaurants in and around Launceston.

marker1 2.17 miles
Photo showing Restaurant At The Eliot Arms


The Eliot Arms offers a warm welcome to all visitors old and new and is nestled in the lovely Cornish village of Tregadillett, close to Launceston and just off the A30.

marker2 0.64 miles

St. Stephens Hill, ST STEPHENS, Cornwall PL12 4AR

Pubs / Bars

marker3 0.32 miles

58 St. Thomas Road, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 8DB

Fish & Chips

marker4 0.15 miles

6 Western Road, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 7AS


marker5 0.14 miles

4 Western Road, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 7AS


marker6 0.10 miles

Dockacre Road, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 8YY

marker7 0.10 miles

1 Southgate Place, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 9DX

Pubs / Bars

marker8 0.08 miles

2 Race Hill, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 9BA

Fish & Chips

marker9 0.07 miles

8 Westgate Street, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 7AB

Coffee shop / Tea

marker10 0.07 miles

10 Westgate Street, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 7AB

Fish & Chips

marker11 0.06 miles

11 Southgate Street, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 9DP

Fast Food

marker12 0.03 miles

13 Church Street, LAUNCESTON, Cornwall PL15 8AW

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