Restaurants within 3 miles of Staveley, Cumbria

Listing 7 restaurants in and around Staveley.

marker1 2.59 miles
Photo showing Restaurant At Gilpin Lodge Country House Hotel

Crook Road, WINDERMERE, Cumbria LA23 3NE

One of the finest luxury Lake District hotels in Cumbria.

But don't just take our word for it, you decide.

Explore every single room in fine detail, we are immensely proud of all of them.

marker2 2.59 miles
Photo showing Restaurant At Linthwaite House Hotel

Crook Road, WINDERMERE, Cumbria LA23 3JA

Conde Nast Travellers Gold List 2006 for Best Location- 31 individually designed rooms- some with lake views- ensuite with bath and shower- fine food - Good Food Guide rated.

marker3 2.30 miles

Crook Road, KENDAL, Cumbria LA8 8LX

The Gateway Inn is located just outside of Kendal in the beautiful setting of the Lake District providing the gateway to the lakes.

marker4 2.79 miles

The Famous Wild Boar Hotel, CROOK, Cumbria LA23 3NF

marker5 2.67 miles

Crook Road, STAVELEY, Cumbria LA8 8LX

marker6 1.93 miles

Lakeland Food Park Crook Road, KENDAL, Cumbria LA9 4TS

Subs / Sandwiches

marker7 0.10 miles

Main Street, KENDAL, Cumbria LA8 9LU

Fish & Chips

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