Restaurants within 3 miles of Halberton, Devon

Listing 9 restaurants in and around Halberton.

marker1 2.94 miles
Photo showing Frou Frou

41-43 Gold Street, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 6QB

Our delightful restaurant is located within a 17th Century Grade 2 listed building full of charm and atmosphere, mixed with simple 1920’s Parisian Bar décor this is a great place to make your own little secret.

marker2 2.91 miles

40 Gold Street, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 6PY


marker3 2.90 miles

46 Gold Street, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 6PX

Fish & Chips

marker4 2.83 miles

Sampford Peverell, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 7HD

marker5 2.82 miles

Lea Road, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 6SU


marker6 2.41 miles

Willand, CULLOMPTON, Devon EX15 2RP

marker7 2.06 miles

1 Lower Town, SAMPFORD PEVERELL, Devon EX16 7BJ

Pubs / Bars

marker8 1.88 miles

1 Lower Town, TIVERTON, Devon EX16 7BJ

Pubs / Bars

marker9 0.48 miles

93 High Street, HALBERTON, Devon EX16 7AG

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