Restaurants within 3 miles of Armscote, Warwickshire

Listing 10 restaurants in and around Armscote.

marker1 2.72 miles
Photo showing El Café

6 Granville Court, SHIPSTON ON STOUR, Warwickshire CV36 4PP

For a warm, relaxed atmosphere & delicious, down-to-earth dishes made with love, experience El Cafe! With staff full of spirit and food full of flavour, you’ll leave with full tummies and smiles from ear-to-ear!.

marker2 2.63 miles
Photo showing The Bell

ALDERMINSTER, Warwickshire CV37 8NY

The Bell, near Stratford-upon-Avon is a traditional country Pub and Restaurant with bed and breakfast accommodation situated in the heart of this picturesque village surrounded by beautiful Warwickshire countryside.

marker3 1.69 miles
Photo showing Oak Room @ Ettington Park

Ettington Park Hotel Alderminster, STRATFORD-UPON-AVON, Warwickshire CV37 8BU


marker4 2.78 miles

3 New Street, SHIPSTON ON STOUR, Warwickshire CV36 4EW


marker5 2.76 miles

The Old Mill, 8 Mill Street, SHIPSTON ON STOUR, Warwickshire CV36 4AW

marker6 2.72 miles

1-2 Granville Court, SHIPSTON ON STOUR, Warwickshire CV36 4PP


marker7 2.68 miles

High Street, SHIPSTON ON STOUR, Warwickshire CV36 4AJ

marker8 2.68 miles

High Street, SHIPSTON ON STOUR, Warwickshire CV36 4AJ

marker9 0.00 miles

ARMSCOTE, Warwickshire CV37 8DE

marker10 0.00 miles

ARMSCOTE, Warwickshire CV37 8DD

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