Restaurants within 3 miles of Troon, Cornwall

Listing 28 restaurants in and around Troon.

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marker1 1.42 miles
Photo showing Old Shire Inn

Pendarves Road, CAMBORNE, Cornwall TR14 0RT

Pubs / Bars

marker2 2.25 miles
Photo showing Moganojax

Agar Way, REDRUTH, Cornwall TR15 3SF


marker3 2.94 miles

Menherion, REDRUTH, Cornwall TR16 6NW

Pubs / Bars

marker4 2.81 miles

2 Cathebedron Road, CARNHELL GREEN, Cornwall TR14 0NB

Pubs / Bars

marker5 2.65 miles

The Sq, Praze, CAMBORNE, Cornwall TR14 0JR

Pubs / Bars

marker6 2.60 miles

39 Chariot Road, Illogan Highway, REDRUTH, Cornwall TR15 3LE

Fish & Chips

marker7 2.28 miles

Treswithian Road, CAMBORNE, Cornwall TR14 7NF


marker8 2.16 miles

Carn Lane, REDRUTH, Cornwall TR16 6SL

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