Restaurants within 3 miles of Aldwark, South Yorkshire

Listing 203 restaurants in and around Aldwark.

Pages: 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10

marker1 0.39 miles

16-18 Bootham, YORK, North Yorkshire YO30 7BL

Fast Food

marker2 0.37 miles

21/22 Bootham, YORK, North Yorkshire YO30 7BW


marker3 0.38 miles

17 Museum Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 7DJ


marker4 0.36 miles

12A King Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9SP


marker5 0.36 miles

5 Kings Staith, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9SN


marker6 0.39 miles

East Lodge, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 7DP


marker7 0.34 miles

7 Lendal, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 8AQ


marker8 0.35 miles

2 Lendal, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 8AA


marker9 0.36 miles

2 Cumberland Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9SW

marker10 0.35 miles

15 Clifford Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9RG


marker11 0.35 miles

1 Tower Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9WD

Pubs / Bars

marker12 0.35 miles

71 Walmgate, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9TZ

Fast Food

marker13 0.35 miles

2a-4 Bootham, YORK, North Yorkshire YO30 7BL


marker14 0.34 miles

45-49 Gillygate, YORK, North Yorkshire YO31 7EA

Fish & Chips

marker15 0.39 miles

19 Bridge Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 6DA

marker16 0.36 miles

2 Cumberland Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9SW


marker17 0.39 miles

18 Bridge Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 6DA


marker18 0.36 miles

14 Clifford Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 9RD

marker19 0.40 miles

1 Bridge Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 6DD

marker20 0.34 miles

7 Museum Street, YORK, North Yorkshire YO1 7DT

Coffee shop / Tea

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